Dont quit kembe x
Dont quit kembe x

Quitting on yourself happens because you are over thinking everything that has transpired. Get back up again and keep trying with the newfound perspective from your past failures. Don’t quit on yourself because you didn’t reach your goal or get what you want. You may not know of all the pain happening around you, but it’s everywhere. Know that with every failure that comes your way, there’s a whole bunch of other people around you going through something similar. “The way you win the race is to accept that pain is guaranteed” Life is tough and we are guaranteed to be in constant pain. From a failed music career, to failed businesses, to many failed romantic relationships. I’ve wanted to quit on myself many times. Life is short in one sense of the word and very long when you live in the present moment. Don’t quit because of someone else’s timeframe.

dont quit kembe x

We feel like we have to achieve so much by a certain age or we’re a failure. We quit on ourselves because we feel like life is a race against time. Here is why I don’t want you to quit on yourself: I know life is hard, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find an empowering way to break through all of the struggles. Most of all, quitting on yourself is something you will never forgive yourself for. Quitting is the most painful form of suffering. The only reason I’m still here, and breathing, is because I decided not to quit. That was until I realized how I got where I am today. I continue to have the same and I’ve thought about quitting so many times. If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably had some pretty big stuff ups. When things go wrong, they commit to having faith when there is no reason to do so. What I’ve learned is that those who succeed accept this fact and make a decision to push through it. We all suffer from sickness, heartbreak, death, failure and disappointment. I can’t believe I actually thought that some people never experience any major issues in their life. This very idea only became known to me eight weeks ago.

dont quit kembe x

We’re destined to face pain and have everything blow up in our face.

Dont quit kembe x