Dragonfly metamorphosis
Dragonfly metamorphosis

dragonfly metamorphosis

The adult stage can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.Ī metabolous insect undergoes an incomplete metamorphosis process in which it passes through a series of nymphal stages before becoming an adult. The pupa stage lasts a few weeks to a few months, during which time the dragonfly will transform into its adult form. The larva, or nymph, stage can last up to five years, during which time the dragonfly will grow and molt (shed its skin) several times. The egg stage only lasts a few weeks before the larva hatches. What Type Of Metamorphosis Do Dragonflies Undergo?ĭragonflies go through complete metamorphosis, which means they have four distinct stages in their lives: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Metamorphism refers to the process of combining the egg, larva, pupa, and adult in a single organism. The pupa stage does not exist in the case of incomplete metamorphism.

dragonfly metamorphosis

Dragonflies, unlike other winged insects, such as butterflies, undergo incomplete metamorphosis unlike a pupal stage, which is formed in an adult, a larva is formed in a nymph.ĭespite the fact that dragons appear in three stages during metamorphosis (egg, larva, and adult), they are not metamorphosis in the same way that butterflies appear in four stages (egg, larva, pupa, and adult).ĭragonflies do not have the pupa stage of their life cycle, making them undifferentiated from other insects that fly. Dragonflies and damselflies go through an incomplete metamorphosis, meaning that there is not as drastic of a change in form between the nymph and adult stages.Įmergence. The metamorphosis is complete, meaning that there is a drastic change in form between the nymph and adult stages. The nymphs are aquatic, and the adults are terrestrial. Dragonflies and damselflies both undergo a metamorphosis from nymph to adult.

Dragonfly metamorphosis