Onyx macpilot
Onyx macpilot

onyx macpilot


I will say though, I do greatly appreciate how freely they offer access to 10.4/5/6-compatible versions of their apps. Is OnyX (beta for SL) a good app I am definitely going to download Macpilot, but is there a free alternative that is a stable good app What do you use to clean you cache, logs, etc Thanks I. However, there is no real benefit to any of this stuff. Built into MacPilot is a dedicated Log Viewer and tool kit that give you access to some of the Mac’s more personal information.

onyx macpilot

And for most of the functionality I'd use MacPilot for, I personally use Onyx and/or TinkerTool. Mac Pilot is primarily a customization utility, whereas the others are primarily maintenance utilities. I know that there are overlaps and duplication of function among these 'utilitiy' applications, but frankly, Im just not sure how best to use them. Not to slag on Koingo or MacPilot (I had one of its early versions in the early-00s from a MacHeist bundle), and I'm sure they put a lot of work into MacPilot, but as a consumer I strongly prefer apps which don't require online activation and don't have an activation limit. Ive added several maintenance applications to my line up, including TechTool Pro, Drive Genius, Onyx, MacPilot and HDCleanup. The main thing about MacPilot for me is just how locked down Koingo Software's apps are: Online DRM activation with only a limited amount of activations per license. IIRC MacPilot never had this or at least, if it did have support for third-party apps, it doesn't seem to now. A lot of indie houses don't do that these days.

onyx macpilot

I will say though, I do greatly appreciate how freely they offer access to 10.4/5/6-compatible versions of their apps. The thing with Secrets was that it didn't just have hidden preferences for the Finder and Apple's apps it had them for a whole bevy of third-party apps too. And for most of the functionality I'd use MacPilot for, I personally use Onyx and/or TinkerTool. You can use it to run scripts, purge memory, clear caches, repair disk permissions, tweak network settings, and manage hidden settings of Apple apps including Safari, Mail, and.


I thought it was already a pretty well-known app around here? Cocktail is commercial software developed by Swedish developer Maintain: It's long been a standby for individuals and system admins at big companies alike.

Onyx macpilot